What? I need to take a class to get divorced?
Yes, if you have children under the age of 18 you and your spouse will need to attend a court approved parent education class if you are going through a divorce in Massachusetts.
Divorce focuses mainly on children and finances however; these classes help parents to recognize what the divorce looks like from the child’s perspective. My clients often have high praise for the classes and I find most are happy they attended.
The classes run in two sessions each about two and half hours long. Some places hold a Saturday class whereby you can complete the class in one day. At the end of your last class or at the end of your full day class, you will receive a certificate of completion. The cost for completion is usually around $80.00. Please note you and your spouse may attend the same place for the class however you cannot attend at the same time.
I encourage my clients to take these classes at the earliest stage of the divorce. Many learn a lot from the classes and are able to incorporate the teachings early on allowing their children to benefit. The program will help parents avoid mistakes concerning the way they relate to their children while going through the divorce.
Christina M. Wojtowicz, Esq.